Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Growing Up

The following is how I feel about growing up...or something like that.
Facebook - miss the days when you had to have a valid college email address to get on. Even if that ment I could no longer use facebook (though, yes my college email still works) I would be completely ok with it! When you toss in my aunt, parents of clients, parents of my students, and fellow teachers, (oh and my brother :-) ), you make me want to scream. I have to think multiple times before I even consider posting a status. Not like I do much with my life I wouldn't want seen, and even if I did would not put it online; but its the idea behind it! If I wish to write FML on my facebook status, I would like to be able to. The funny part of all of this is I know of several college professors and staff who are on facebook, and they handle it in such a "super cool" manner. Maybe I should become a college professor...Dr. Galvin the college professor. It kind of has a ring to it! :-)
Going out - I know I did not go out much in college and not at all in high school, but that does not mean that I have any desire to go out on a week a drink...and get home late...and possible see people I know whom I do not want to see like a parent of one of my then have to go to work and attempt to corral nine students, have two classroom aids, support four general education teachers...and not proceed to NOT need a drink after the day is done!

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