Yesterday, a few minutes after lunch recess, I was talking to my consultant and my phone rang. It was my principal. He says he does not know what my students are doing, but can we please come to the commons. Sure - nothing like completely throwing everything and everyone off. Does he not understand if its not on our schedule, its not happening. Especially forcing us to change gears so quickly. It did not help that I had no idea what we were doing so I couldn't offer anything to the students when they were wondering what the crap we were doing!!
I know that my principal does his best and really is he is amazing.
So we walk ourselves to the commons. Thanks to my consultant who came with! Turns out, after we stand there for ten minutes, we had won the Golden Skate Award! Funny part of the whole ordeal was the one student of my nine who actually when to the skating fundraiser did not want to touch the award. Since yesterday he has slowly been warming up to it and touching it!!
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